News & Activities
KIAS organizing workshop on paper microfluidics

Center for Analytical Sciences, one of the research centers at Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences (KIAS), is going to host and organize a workshop on “paper microfluidics for chemical and microbial analysis”. The workshop will be held at KIAS office, Kalanki, Kathmandu, Nepal on 2 June 2017.
Paper-based analytical systems are low-cost and portable techniques that has gained popularity in recent years. Dr. Basant Giri’s research group at KIAS is the first and only one research group in Nepal working on microfluidics research.
In this workshop, participants will get hands on training on fabricating paper-analytical devices and using the devices in various applications such as screening low-quality drugs and water quality. Resource persons for this workshop will be Dr. Basant Giri from KIAS, Kathmandu, Nepal and Dr. Toni Barstis and Dr. Reena Khadka from Saint Mary’s College, IN, USA.