Insect Diversity

Changes in biodiversity in response to changes in environmental temperatures have raised concerns about the future of global biodiversity. Therefore, assessing the status of biodiversity across the gradients of environmental temperatures, not only provides baseline information, but may prove useful in gaining better insights into the possible factors affecting the species, the degree of impact each factor has, and mechanisms to mitigate detrimental effects if any, hence, ultimately helping in developing conservation strategies. Given that environmental temperatures vary across elevations and seasons, Nepal, with its high physical and seasonal diversity provides an ideal location to study insect diversity across elevation and seasons. Insects are important as bioindicators of environmental disturbances and can be found across a wide range of elevational and seasonal gradients. Therefore, in this work, insects are used as the model species to study their distribution and diversity at different elevations and seasons from Shivapuri Mountain at Shivapuri-Nagarujun National Park, Nepal to understand the effect of environmental temperatures on species distribution and diversity.